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Of Civil Service in Kazakhstan


TRAINING civil servants


government purchases









Holidays in Kazakhstan






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        On  10 July 2013 the Regional centre held a round table on the topic "Experience of using interactive technologies in the educational process".

        Among the guests were famous  leaders and government officials, academics,  trainers. The main aim was to teach the participants using the new technologies in the training of civil servants as well as the processes of modernization of  public service.

        The participants shared their experience of training state  employees. Then they  were presented master classes "Methods and techniques of training technologies" - by the coach Kapenova G.A - Executive Director of the Foundation "Civil Alliance of Kostanay region " and "Marketing area: the use of practical exercises in training" – by the coach Tregubova N.V - Head of Marketing Consulting PREKO "

        At the end of the conference there were made some interesting ideas to improve the quality of training of civil servants.

        The head of the Regional centre Zhakupova Tamara presented appreciation letters to some teachers with high rating among the students.




2013, 24 to 28 June    Regional Centre is holding a workshop of increasing the professional development of civil servants « Legal basis of the civil service in the Republic of Kazakhstan». During the workshop it  will be explained the basics of legislation relating to the civil service system. Teachers will talk about innovations in the assessment of civil servants. The main target of the courses is to make the civil servants increase the levels of professional competence and leadership   in their practice and the ethical basis of public service


Seminar on «Role and HR management of civil servants in the context of civil service: European countries’ experience and Republic of Kazakhstan» at the Academy of public administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan


In the Regional centre of retraining since June 10 2013. two workshops are working: for retraining of civil servants - "Public Administration and Civil Service: fundamentals, principles and prospects"  and a seminar on professional development - "Strategic Planning in the Republic of Kazakhstan: Assessment the effectiveness of government agencies. "

In the opinion of the audience the programs of seminars are very interesting, the material is important for their further career and the teaching staff is highly qualified. According to the words of young professionals Sheriev Moldir of SI "Business and agriculture Naurzum region" Antropova Svetlana-SI "Akim Michael rural district," Chernoff Yegor Mikhailovich - SI "Machinery of Akim Aulekolskogo District" and many others, they learned at the workshop many new and interesting things.  The Regional Centre organized  interesting lectures, trainings and workshops in computer classes, as well as training in the field of public bodies. Now, students are working on their independent work. On June 19, students plan to attend the concert of the State Academic Orchestra of Folk Instruments named by Kurmangazi.


On 05.06.2013 during the seminar "Public procurement in the public financial management"  there was held a Round table  "Preventive methods for elimination of corruption offenses in the public procurement system of the Republic of Kazakhstan». The  round table was  moderated by Zhusupov K.S. - the Deputy Head of Finance government of Kostanay region. At the seminar the participants asked questions to Niyazbaev A.K. - Attorney of Prosecutor Kostanai region, Kochkurova O.E. - Chief Compliance Inspections number 5 of financial control in Kostanai region and Sakenov R.R .- Head of the Department of Finance government in Kostanay region. All the answers were given satisfactory with the analysis of the specific situation. According to the results of the final survey participants appreciated the organization and content of the Round Table highly.



03-07.06.2013 the Regional Centre of retraining and advanced training of public servants hold the  seminar "Public procurement in the public financial management." The seminar led specialists and experts from the Kazakhstan  Agency of Civil Service in Kostanai region, the Government Finance Department    of Kostanay region, chairmen of the audit committee, the head of the analytical department of the of Kostanai region. The participants  actively worked  in the practice sessions of the state purchases, on the web-portal installation EDS ,on the time and stress management  trainings. During the  workshop  was organized a Round table  "Preventive methods for elimination of corruption offenses in the public procurement system of the Republic of Kazakhstan».


On 2013. 27.05.was held a meeting of region leaders with the presence of the Regional head Nurali Saduakasov. On the agenda was the issue of the Regional Centre for retraining and advanced training of public servants in the context of the modernization of  civil service. In her speech the director of the Centre Zhakupova Tamara Salimovna told about the activities of the Centre and identified a number of problematic issues to further enhance of the training base facilities. The head of the region drew attention of the government agencies to improve the cooperation with the Centre and instructed the leaders of civil service  to develop and submit an ambitious program of cooperation with the Regional Centre.



 Regional Centre participated in an online conference  held by the Academy of Public Administration under the President of KZ, on April 30, 2013 on the international communication platform «G-Global». The «VI Astana Economic Forum and the World Anti-Crisis Conference"  organizated an online conference on the topic " Questions to improve the system of training the civil servants "with the participation of representatives from the Academy of DBB (Germany), University of Chosun (Korea), the Institute of Public Administration of Lithuania, the Russian University of  People’s friendship and Kazakhstan's regional training centres for the civil servants.  The conference was moderated by the vice-rector of the Academy  Mukhamedzhanova AG and  head expert of the European Union in Kazakhstan Zaharchenko E.


About the system of training the civil servants in the Republic of Kazakhstan told the director of the Institute for further education of civil servants of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of Kazakhstan, Suleimenova GK.

 Hans-Joachim Rieger,the director and the head of the Professional Training of the Academy DBB, presented  "The transition from education to action." During the presentation, were discussed various methods and models of practical training the civil servants.


Dr. Kochegura AP, a member of the European Association of Professionals in Public Administration (EGPA), a leading expert of the European Commission,the deputy head of the Department of Public Administration People's Friendship University (Russia), reported about the  professional development programs of the civil servants using the  European experience.

 Dr. Lee Michang, from Department of Public Administration College of Social Sciences of the University of Joseon,  informated about the Korean experience in the field of training and retraining the civil servants, and expressed willingness to cooperate in the educational programs of this trend.

 The report of Dr. Idrissova A.A. touched the questions  of professional training the civil servants and their influence on effective governance.

 During the online conference there had been an interesting exchange of views with the participation of regional training centres of  Akmola, Northern Kazakhstan, West Kazakhstan and Pavlodar regions and Almaty.
 By the end of the conference, the participants expressed their interest in further cooperation  on this interactive site.


Seminar on "Industrial and Innovative Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The industrialization of agriculture "
        From 15-22 April 2013 in the "Regional Centre of training and retraining of civil servants", a workshop training "Industrial and Innovative Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The industrialization of agriculture. "
        The workshop will bring deputy. mayors of cities and regions, heads of departments and specialists of the economy, entrepreneurship and the development of rural areas, departments of agriculture.
        The aim of the seminar is to discuss the main areas of industrial and innovation policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan to improve the management skills of public servants and experience in implementation of successful projects in the regional economy.
        The workshop is planned: The basic directions of the State Program of Forced Industrial-Innovative Development of Kazakhstan for 2012-2014, the tasks of local executive bodies and mechanisms for the implementation of the State Program of Forced Industrial-Innovative Development of Kazakhstan for 2012-2014 in the region, ensuring effective interaction between government and business in the development of priority sectors of the economy at the regional level, the ethical basis of public service. Anti-corruption policy of Kazakhstan.
Seminar: "The official language of the state body. EWSS.
Organization of control over the execution of orders "
         The implementation and effective use of information technology is one of the main objectives of the Strategy of Kazakhstan's political development.
        Translation state agencies to use the paperless office and electronic document increases the transparency and efficiency of public administration in general.
        From 15 to 19 April 2013 in the "Regional Centre for training and retraining of civil servants", a workshop training "official language of the state body. EWSS. Organization of control over the execution of orders. "
        The main objective of the workshop - to teach practical skills in a single system of electronic document GO RK. In addition to lectures on electronic document listeners will be offered practical training in the use of changes in the legislation on record keeping.
        The seminar is intended for all categories of public servants.
Seminar: "The concept of local self-government.
Legal support of the mayor of the rural district "
    In the regional center for retraining and advanced training of public servants from 8 to 12 April 2013 will be a seminar on the theme: "The concept of local self-government. Legal support of the mayor of the rural district. "
    Attendees of the seminar will become familiar with the concept of local self-government in the Republic of Kazakhstan, as amended by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On State Service", with the rural population and micro enterprise development in rural areas, with the mechanisms of prevention of corruption offenses in the public procurement system.
    April 11, 2013 will be visiting a practical session on the basis of SI "Machinery of akim of Michurinsky rural district Kostonay district."
    Time - April 11, from 14:00 to 17:30
Venue: Kostanayskiy district, "Akim Michurinsky rural district"

Seminar on "Ethics and the image of a public servant. Business communication, mediation of speech in a professional activity "

         Regional Training Centre and training of civil servants government Kostanay region from 08 to 12 April and from 22 to 26 April 2013 a seminar "on" Ethics and the image of a public servant. Business communication, mediation of speech in professional activities. "
        The purpose of the workshop - increase the professional level of competence and the development of ethics and image of the civil servant.
        Will be developed practical skills of business communication, mediation, culture of speech.
Particular attention to the lectures and practical sessions will be given to the formation of a new generation of housing civil servants corresponding to the requirements specified in the "Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the leader of the nation of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev to the people - the Strategy" Kazakhstan - 2050 ", as well as on changes in the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On State Service".
        It is planned to conduct training sessions "Mediation as a way to regulate the conflict in the area of ​​social, labor and interpersonal relations", "Management of working time" (time - management), "Stress - management. Prevention of burnout ", aimed at consolidating the knowledge and information about the culture of the civil servant.
        The knowledge and skills will enable civil servants to competently and effectively manage its image, improve the professional level.


Seminar on "State program on development of the Republic of Kazakhstan regions."
         Regional Training Centre and training of civil servants government Kostanay region from 26 to 29 March 2013 a seminar "State program of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the development of the regions."
        The relevance of the seminar is due to significant growth and diversity of the problems solved in the regions of present conditions of globalization and the effects of the global financial crisis. The main factors of socio-economic development of the regions act as the processes of transfer of government functions and the political authority and decentralization of government regulation. In these circumstances, public authorities at regional level have great powers. Therefore increasing their role not only in the public administration, but also in the system of local government.
        The workshop will bring Deputy Mayor, areas for social affairs, leaders and experts in the fields of education, health, sports, SES.
        Attendees of the seminar will become familiar with the basic aspects of public policy for the development of the regions, with the implementation of the basic mechanisms of regional development programs, with the practice of the implementation of programs of development of agriculture and the program of accelerated industrial development. The structure of the seminar also included practical training "Methods of economic feasibility of development of territories. Marketing of territories "and" Master Plan for the regions as a strategic management tool. "
            Round table on the topic "Working with families who are in a difficult family situation"
    In the regional center of retraining and employees квалификациигосударственных government Kostanay region March 15, 2013, a round table with Lugansk Center of Postgraduate Education (Ukraine) in web-format on the topic "Working with families who find themselves in difficult family situations." At an international conference attended by:
Zhakupova TS -k.f.n. Director of SOE "Regional Centre for training and retraining of civil servants" AKO
Chunikhin GV - Director of Lugansk Center of Postgraduate Education
Sarsenova RS - Director of the Department for Child Protection in Kostanai region
Baymenova ZA - Head of the Department of Education Kostanai region
L. Sargsyan - Ph.D. teacher Kostanai State University
Olga Popova - Head of the Department of employment and social programs Kostanai region
 Eremenko IV - Director of Lugansk regional center of social services families of children and young people
Shaposhnik DE - Director of the Sverdlovsk city center of Lugansk regional center of social services families of children and young people
Smirnova NV - Deputy. Director of SOE "Regional Centre for training and retraining of civil servants" AKO
Seminar on "Financial management and the basis of external and internal controls. IFRS ".
        In the regional center for retraining and training of civil servants government Kostanay region from 11 to 15 March 2013 a seminar on "Financial management and fundamentals of internal and external controls. IFRS ".
        Specialized training conducted heads and specialists of finance government Kostanay region. The seminar included issues new approaches financial policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, familiarity with the changes made to the regulations on accounting, the accounting issues in public institutions, in accordance with IFRS.
        During the workshop, students get practical experience in the organization of work of the internal audit and control to meet the requirements of international standards. During the seminar the theme: "Innovations in the Tax Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "1C: Enterprise 8. Accounting for government agencies of Kazakhstan", "1C: Professional", "Anti-corruption legislation in the field of financial relations", "Work Program" Treasury client. "
Seminar on "Modernization of public administration in the Republic of Kazakhstan"
        Professionalizing the civil service, the formation of a strong corporate culture, improving the ethical behavior of public servants are defined by the Regional Centre of trust indicators in the implementation of the concept of the new model of public service of the Republic of Kazakhstan adopted on 21 July 2011.
        Given the particular relevance of the requirements for the qualification of civil servants of the new generation, the regional center for training and retraining of civil government Kostanay region from 25 February to 7 March 2013 conducts a training course on the topic: for the category of public servants, for the first time accepted and assigned to a leadership position.
        After the course, students work independently to protect and receive certificates established form.
Seminar "Modern information technology in government.
Saitostroitel'stva "
         One of the areas of evaluating the performance of government agencies today is the application of information technology, according to the approved system of annual performance evaluations of the central state and local executive bodies of oblasts, cities of republican status, capital. In this direction the estimated efficiency of government agency information technology to streamline business processes and enhance the transparency of the public body.
        From February 25 to March 1, 2013 in the "Regional Centre for retraining and advanced training of public servants", a workshop training "Modern information technology in government. Saitostroitel'stva. "
        The main focus of the workshop is to train civil servants proper use of the computer technologies for their professional activities. This seminar is relevant and is intended for all categories of public servants.
        Objectives of the seminar:
· Familiarize the students with modern information technology;
· More knowledge in the field of e-services and technologies implemented in the framework of the development of "e-government";
· Improve existing skills with user programs;
        Due to the fact that the modern world puts new demands every government employee should improve their skills in ICT (information and communication technologies), as constant learning new software will allow efficient use of computer technology in their work and to keep up with the development of the modern world.
Seminar on "Modernization, housing development.
The development of company towns. An energy management system. "
         Social significance of housing, increased attention to its problems and development of the Heads of State and Government of the demand from the industry, not only a high rate of reform, but also significant technological and managerial changes. The program "Modernization of housing" is designed to create an optimal model of housing relations, improve the quality of housing and communal services and provide comfortable living conditions of the population. One of the objectives pursued by the country's modernization of housing and communal services - training of highly qualified personnel in the field of housing and retraining.
        Regional Training Centre and training of civil servants government Kostanay region from 18 to 22 February 2013 is planning a seminar on "Modernization, housing development. The development of company towns. An energy management system. "
        The workshop will bring Deputy Mayor, districts, heads of departments and specialists housing, public transport and roads.
        Attendees of the seminar will become familiar with the basics of the state program "Modernization of Housing," with the theory and practice of implementing energy efficiency programs and energy audits, with the legislation in the sphere of housing, with the mechanisms of implementation of the program of development of company towns.
Seminar on "Management of the quality of public services in the field of veterinary medicine"
         In the regional center for retraining and advanced training of public servants from 18 to 22 February 2013 for managers and professionals in the field of veterinary medicine, a workshop training "Managing the quality of public services in the veterinary"
        Lectures and workshops are scholars of universities, heads and specialists of the Department of Agriculture regional akimat, Kostanai Regional Territorial Committee of veterinary inspection and supervision of Ministry of Agriculture, Veterinary Laboratory Republican State Enterprise-Kostanai Kostanai region.
        February 19, 2013 from 11.00 to 12.00 will be visiting a practical session on the basis of LLP "Karasu is."
February 21, 2013 from 9.00 am to 12.00 pm will be visiting practice session at the Republican Veterinary Laboratory of the State Enterprise-Kostanai Kostanai region.
        February 22, 2013 at 9:00 am will open round table discussion on "Managing the quality of public services in the field of veterinary medicine"
         We invite regional media to publicize the work of the seminar.
Workshop on "Human Resource Management in the Public Service"
        The regional center for training and retraining of civil servants government Kostanay region from 11 to 15 February 2013 a seminar "Human Resource Management in the Public Service" for civil servants personnel departments of local governments.
        Among the tasks set by the President in Address to the Nation - one of the components of the socio-economic prosperity of Kazakhstan - Staffing the implementation of government programs aimed at improving the quality of life. New approaches in the personnel policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan are associated with productive activities, professional public servants.
        The content of classes, methods of training, experienced lecturers practices allow students to improve their professional level and to direct state employees on the effective management of the organization.
 Seminar "Actual issues of combating corruption in the Republic of Kazakhstan."
        Regional Training Centre and training of civil servants from 11 to 15 February 2013 a seminar on the theme: "Actual issues of combating corruption in the Republic of Kazakhstan."
        Attendees of the seminar will become familiar with the theory and practice of anti-corruption policy of Kazakhstan and foreign experience in this area, with the anti-corruption legislation in the field of public procurement, the rules of professional ethics of public servants, with the mechanisms of prevention of corruption offenses.
        The workshop will bring teachers as lecturers - doctors and candidates of sciences, heads of government agencies and professionals who specialize in this field.
        February 13, 2013 will be a lecture of Doctor of Law, Chairman of the Public Foundation for Combating Corruption under the COF "Nur Otan" Zhalybin Sergei Mikhailovich
We invite you to media coverage of the topical themes of the seminar.
Speaking time - February 13, from 15:00 to 17:00
Venue: Kostanai Street. Baitursynov 67, kab.1
Seminar: "The official language of the state body. EWSS.
Organization of control over the execution of orders "
        The implementation and effective use of information technology is one of the main objectives of the Strategy of Kazakhstan's political development.
        Translation state agencies to use the paperless office and electronic document increases the transparency and efficiency of public administration in general.
        From 4 to 8 February 2013 in the "Regional Centre for training and retraining of civil servants", a workshop training "official language of the state body. EWSS. Organization of control over the execution of orders. "
The main objective of the workshop - to teach practical skills in a single system of electronic document GO RK. In addition to lectures on electronic document listeners will be offered practical training in the use of changes in the legislation on record keeping.
The seminar is intended for all categories of public servants.
Seminar "Public Administration and Civil Service: fundamentals, principles and perspectives of development"
        Professionalizing the civil service, the formation of a strong corporate culture, improving the ethical behavior of public servants are defined by the Regional Centre of trust indicators in the implementation of the concept of the new model of public service of the Republic of Kazakhstan adopted on 21 July 2011.
        Given the particular relevance of the requirements for the qualification of civil servants of the new generation, the regional center for training and retraining of civil government Kostanay region from 28 January to 8 February 2013 plans to hold a training seminar on the theme: "Public Administration and Civil Service: fundamentals, principles and perspectives development "for the category of public servants, for the first time received and assigned to a leadership position.
        After the course, students work independently to protect and receive certificates established form.
Seminar "Legal basis of management in the Republic of Kazakhstan"
        Regional Training Centre and training of civil servants akimataKostanayskoy area from 21 to 25 January 2013 is planning a seminar "Legal basis of management in the Republic of Kazakhstan."
        We invite civil servants, subject to certification, to take part in the workshop, which aims to improve the professional level of competence and the development of legal issues, the formation of students of the system of knowledge in the field of legislation of Kazakhstan on public service.
Particular attention to the lectures and practical sessions will be given to the formation of a new generation of public housing officials, the relevant requirements of the "Strategy" Kazakhstan - 2050 ".
        It is planned to conduct training sessions "Technology development of memory and attention", aimed at consolidating the knowledge, information about the law.
        There will be a pilot test.
        The knowledge and skills will enable civil servants to competently and effectively use the material acts in the course of administrative activities, as well as help you successfully pass certification.


Baitursynova 67,
cab. 1-7, 416, 436.
tel: 575-124;

our sites:

the kostanay of training

of civil servants
1 hours. - 780 tg
1 week. - 31 200 tg.
2 weeks. - 62 400











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